Two Children Stabbed After Birthday Party In School Hall Is Stormed By ‘At Least 50 Youths’



Absolute carnage at this 16th birthday party held at Elm Park Primary School’s hall in Havering, Essex, the other night, after a group of at least 50 youths armed with knives and machetes stormed the premises and stabbed two teenagers.

There is some footage doing the rounds where you can barely make out what is happening, except that it’s sheer pandemonium and there’s young people running for their lives:

A nearby resident told Havering Daily:

“It was total chaos. We saw between 50-60 teenagers standing outside the school drinking and inhaling balloons. They then entered the school hall and we heard the screams and everyone spilt out on the street. They began fighting and we could hear more screams as the fighting continued outside our houses.

“The police first arrived in two cars and tried to deal with these youths that were very aggressive, with the girls going up into their faces and screaming at them. We could see some of the youths limping, as we believe they had been stabbed.”

Wild stuff. The good news is that three arrests were made in the aftermath, and that the two victims, aged 16 and 19, were taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Sadly, a mother has claimed that her 15-year-old daughter was also hospitalised after being attacked on the train by the same group of boys who stormed the party.

Would love to know what kind of security, if any, was present at this birthday party held at a primary school on a weekend, although I’m not sure what use they would have been if 50 lads all rocked up at once wielding knives and machetes. Hope the birthday boy/girl had a good one otherwise. Many happy returns!

For ‘terrifying’ footage of a Ukrainian man being threatened by teens on a Dublin bus, click HERE. Reckon he could take them on?



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