Here Are The Top Ten Songs To Smoke A Fatty To This Weekend



It’s the bank holiday weekend, we’ve lost that pesky extra hour and the sun is shining so I’m sure many of you are gearing up to spend the weekend partying and getting high.

In order to help you with this we’ve enlisted the help of Australian stoner pop trio Dune Rats, who probably know more about getting baked than anyone considering they spend their lives making music about it and then touring the world playing those songs. If you haven’t heard of them they’re an Australian outfit from Brisbane who describes themselves as ‘three hyperactive stoner cunts who didn’t come ear for a haircut’. Their music is described as Dunecore stoner pop and takes influence from sources as diverse as the Beach Boys, Eminem and Oasis (at least according to their bio).

Check out one of their jams below:

You can find out more about them here, but if you’re into them and near London they’re headlining the Old Blue Last on Monday so maybe go check them out as the perfect end to your Easter weekend.

In the meantime, take a look at their picks for soundtracking your weekend of heavy seasoning – along with some typical stoner comments – by clicking through the slideshow. If you don’t like their choices, you could always check out this list that we made last year for some more inspiration.

Dune Rats



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