‘The Sun’ Publishes The Most Disgusting Headline In Its History As It Grants Front Page To JK Rowling Abuser



There’s been a lot of drama this past week over comments JK Rowling made on Twitter about transgender people, kicking off a massive backlash and pile-on against her.

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Which was surprising, because all she did was state that biological sex is real and that acknowledging and supporting the existence of trans people doesn’t mean we should forget this:

Pretty sensible stuff, but the amount of hate directed JK Rowling’s way since she made those Tweets has been astonishing. People are putting words in her mouth, accusing her of contributing to trans suicide rates, being a TERF (trans exlusionary radical feminist) and so on.

JK then put out this essay in which she describes her experiences as an abuse survivor and how this ties in with her identity as a woman and her concerns about the extreme end of trans activism:

Somehow, this essay only fueled the flames. The abuse has gotten so bad that it’s quickly created an environment where The Sun feels it can publish headlines like this because they know it’s open season on JK Rowling right now and that many will agree with the sentiment:

Now I know this is what The Sun does and controversial and provocative headlines are their bread & butter, but granting her abuser the front page while also making a mockery of her experience as a victim after all the drama of the past week is a bit too far, even by their standards.

There are enough people sickened by this headline that it’s got #dontbuythesun trending again:

Whether you feel that JK Rowling has fucked up on trans issues or not, hopefully most will agree that putting a headline like this out there in the midst of it is bang out of order. The world doesn’t want or need to hear the words of JK Rowling’s abuser and especially when he’s shown such a blatant lack of remorse.

The saddest part is that Harry Potter stars like Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson went to the effort of condemning JK Rowling for her Tweets about trans people, but haven’t had the same energy when calling out the hate and abuse targeting her. Would be decent to see them correct that soon.

For the time JK Rowling annihilated a Harry Potter fan who asked why Dumbledore is gay, click HERE.



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