The Klaxons Are Embarking On The First Ever 3D Printed Tour



Eager to innovate and offer the audience something different from their live show, The Klaxons have announced that their upcoming tour in November will be powered entirely by 3D printers. That means all the instruments, all the stage equipment, all the lighting and pretty much everything to do with the tour will be created via 3D printers, which will be a world first.

I’m not really sure how exactly this will affect your experience as a concertgoer, but it seems like it’s big enough for them to announce it and make a promo video about it, so chances are it’s actually going to be something special. The guitar and the microphone that they make in the video certainly look different in any case.

O2 customers can get Priority Tickets to Klaxons UK dates 48 hours before general release from 9am Wednesday 11th June. Visit

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