Tesco Cash Machine Accidentally Offers Free Erections



Tesco made a major boo boo the other week when the Welsh version of ‘free cash withdrawals’ was accidentally translated as ‘free erections’. Whoops.

It went down (or up I guess lolz) in Aberystwyth at the Tesco Express store there. The translation should have said ‘Arian am ddim’ but instead it was ‘Codiad am ddim’, which seems like a pretty hard thing to mess up but I don’t translate stuff into Welsh on a regular basis (if ever) so maybe I should be a little less harsh on the guys.

The mistake was spotted and photographed by Welsh councillor Ceredig Davies who reported it to the authorities. Tesco said that the correct translation would be put up as soon as possible although didn’t elaborate on a timeframe for that. Davies had the following to say about it all:

There were a few titters in the town so I went down to have a look myself.

Ten out of 10 to Tesco for considering the Welsh language.

But perhaps they should have had it checked by an actual Welsh speaker before putting the signs on the machines.

People get their Welsh translations wrong from time to time but this one is hilarious.

So there you have it. This definitely isn’t the weirdest erection of the year though, no way.



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