‘Terrifier 2’ Is Making People Pass Out In Cinemas And Being Called Most Depraved Movie Of All Time



There’s been a lot of hype around ‘Terrifier 2’ after the first movie in the series was an underground hit thanks to the high levels of gore and violence contained within it and it looks like it’s already exceeded this fanfare because people are already calling it the most depraved movie of all time.

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The film had a limited cinema release over in the United States and apparently it’s so disgusting that people have been walking out of the cinema and passing out during it. I’m not normally someone to believe claims like that because they sound unbelievably untrue – how can a movie be so gross that it makes someone pass out? – but it looks like there are enough of them that this time it might actually be happening?

See what I mean? If you want to see why people are getting so messed up from the movie, then you can watch a clip below but be warned it’s pretty disgusting and uncomfortable to watch. I normally love horror movies and was wincing when I just watched it because it’s so graphic and the way the woman screams whilst she’s being murdered just makes it more and more disturbing. Serious content warning there.

Jesus. See what I mean? Not sure if I could put up with that for 140 minutes in a cinema.

Sadly though I don’t think it’s getting a cinema release over here so it should be a little easier to watch it on the sofa or whatever. At least you can just turn it off if it gets too much.

For more of the same, check out these ten horror movies on Netflix that are so scary people can’t even finish watching them. Rogue.



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