Take An Acoustic Breather From Our Electronic Thunderstorm With Martyn Stone



Martyn Stone

House, garage, 2-step and MDMA are making a big comeback at the moment and we’re letting ourselves get completely swept up in it. Last week we introduced you to Polkadot and this week we’re showcasing the dudes and dudettes who are gonna be dropping beats all over Liverpool on March 1st when we takeover Room 2 at the Horizon Festival Launch Party (see Nudist at bottom). We’ve also got some very exciting exclusive stuff in the pipeline and frankly things are looking pretty crazy on the music front right now. Too crazy, in fact. We’re caught up in an electronic thunderstorm and we’re losing control. Our bodies and brains are taking a pounding, our ears are melting and dripping on the floor and it’s only gonna get Messy-er (*hint*).

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So every once in a while it’s nice when someone like Martyn Stone comes along to offer us a rope and haul us out for a breather. We’re not quite sure if it was the delicate reverb on his breezy whispers or the summery twang to his guitar (or the concoction of intoxicants circling around our heads) but when we stumbled across him on YouTube, after getting in at 4am, we found ourselves 10 minutes later staring at the wall before remembering we weren’t actually in a field over-looking the sea.

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So take a deep breath, forget what you were supposed to be doing and get lost in these tracks. And enjoy it while it lasts because we’ll shortly be jumping right back into the eye of the storm and dragging you in with us.

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNDmYft9h3s’]

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XhNlsOmNHk’]

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K60hp4vSC78′]

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