Stay Away From These 9 Most Dangerous Mammals 



Mammals are fascinating creatures. However, some of them pose significant dangers to humans because of their size, strength, and behaviour. This article explores eight of the most dangerous mammals on Earth. Be very careful when you are around them.



History books tell us that the domestication of the horse was one of the major achievements of mankind. Horse racing has been a beloved form of entertainment since ancient times and remains popular today. If you’re someone who enjoys betting, try horse racing without GamStop for amazing unrestricted fun.


Ancient cultures valued owning horses. It’s logical. Those who could afford to ride a horse were considered lords, knights, and simply posh cool guys. Overall, horses were respected and useful animals.


However, despite their good reputation and universal love, horses are responsible for about 100 deaths every year in the United States alone. Most fatalities occur due to traumatic brain injuries that happen when a horse throws off its rider. According to researchers from Stanford University, these animals rank among the most dangerous creatures.

Of course, horses themselves are generally peaceful creatures. The risk of accidents arises from frequent human encounters. Therefore the likelihood of an accident is higher.



Brown, polar bears, and grizzly bears can pose a serious threat to people, especially if they believe that their territory or offspring are under attack.


On average, around the world, they carry out approximately 44 attacks every year.


However, it is worth noting that most animals avoid contact with people and prefer to stay away. Safety precautions, education, and environmental awareness help reduce the risk of encountering bears.



Lions are one of the most dangerous and predatory animals on the planet. Their strength, speed, and sharp teeth and claws make them very effective hunters. Lions have a social structure and can act in groups.


According to the journal Nature, from 1990 to 2005, 871 attacks by these animals on people were recorded in Tanzania, of which 563 resulted in the death of the victim. A truly horrific incident occurred in Kenya in 1898 when two lions killed 135 railway workers in Tsavo.



But do not think that lions are the main danger in Africa. Hippos kill about 500 people every year. That is why they are one of the deadliest animals on the planet. Hippos only attack people who enter their territory. So, it’s a bad idea to approach them in the wild and zoos.


Despite their short legs, an angry hippopotamus can easily reach speeds of up to 32 km/h. Hippos are even more dangerous in water. They inhabit sections of rivers located approximately 50–100 meters from the shore; in the case of lakes, this distance triples. Hippos patrol their territory and attack intruders.


Hippopotamus attacks often occur from the water, especially when people are on boats, as the animals may mistake them for crocodiles. Due to their camouflage and the difficulty of spotting them from the surface, their attacks can catch victims off guard. Hippos may rush onto the boat, and overturn it, and once a person is in the water, they have little chance of survival.



The dog has been a faithful companion and protector of man for 12,000 years. Dogs are treated differently in different parts of the world. For some it is their best friend, for others it is transport, and in some regions, these animals are used as food. And with all this, a dog is one of the main sources of danger to humans. Around the world, dogs kill 25,000 people every year.


The reason why dogs are more dangerous than lions is obvious: the latter do not live side by side with humans in all cities of the world. However, the main threat posed by dogs is not their teeth themselves, but rabies and other diseases transmitted through saliva. In Europe, Australia and Asia, 99% of cases of infection are associated with dog bites.



In a fight, moose can be just as, if not more, dangerous than bears. An adult moose reaches about two meters at the withers and weighs up to 600 kilograms. If it hits a person with its horns or hooves, the impact will be significant.


Moose are quite aggressive during the breeding season when they protect their offspring. At this time, they become sensitive to violations of personal space.


Moose attacks on people, however, are very rare. They usually avoid human contact. Nevertheless, these animals kill hundreds of people every year. The reason is that they simply run out onto the road and cause car accidents. This makes them one of the most dangerous mammals in the world.



Elephants are the largest of all land animals that exist on the planet today. They have large bodies, trunks, pillar-like legs and huge heads with wide, flat ears. Elephants most often live in savannas, grasslands and forests, but they are also found in deserts, swamps and mountainous areas of tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. 


Elephants can be dangerous, especially during the mating season, when their aggressiveness greatly increases. They strike with their trunk and tusks and are also capable of trampling their prey. They can sometimes be quite vindictive and cause damage just for fun. For example, in Africa in the 1970s and 1980s, groups of young elephants destroyed people’s homes.




Tigers have impressive strength, flexibility and speed, making them killing machines. These huge cats also have a strong hunter’s instinct and can use camouflage to get close to their prey without being noticed. Naturally, such an animal is dangerous to humans.


There are frequent cases of tigers attacking people in the wild, especially in the Sundarbans region—a region of forests and swamps located on the border of India and Bangladesh. Additionally, in India, tigers sometimes attack zoo visitors who enter their enclosures or reach through fences. According to some reports, tigers kill up to 50 people there every year. Though their population has decreased recently, they are still dangerous for both people and livestock.



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