Slamboree: Everyone’s Favourite Neo-Balkan Rave Circus



Slamboree Neo Balkan Rave Circus Boomtown

Slamboree describe themselves as a “pyrocircus rave massive”, a “10-piece live band with a Smorgasbord of performers, daredevils and entertainers” who span the genres of “breakbeat, dubstep, drum and bass, dub, techno and electro fused with balkan folk and “gypsy flavours”.

I went along to see them at Boomtown fully expecting a group compensating for lack of musical talent by having lots of people distracting you and not playing a song long enough for you to work out it’s shit. This wasn’t the case.

I’m no musical connoiseur so can’t tell you exactly what genres they were fusing but whatever they playing was the definition of danceable. In reality though, for me at least, the music was no more than a soundtrack for the visual show. An accompaniment to the on-stage juggling, firebreathing, backflipping, stripping and acrobatics and the colourful light display and videos of Bill Hicks and rollercoasters projected onto cubes above the crowd.

There’s a video below and you can listen to them on soundcloud ( but it’s an experience best enjoyed live so get to one of their shows. Their next one’s at Bestival. If you like what you see make sure that you keep checking back to Sick Chirpse for Batman_LDN’s coverage of the festival in association with those fine guys over at Cheese or Lemon. Should be coming in the next week or so.

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