Senior Policewoman Suspended After Arguing With Colleague About ‘Who Has the Best Tits’



The police are supposed to restore order and set an example (apparently), but that all went out of the window for senior officer Rebekah Sutcliffe after an argument about her breasts got a little out of hand.

Sutcliffe was sitting in a hotel bar with her colleague, Superintendent Sarah Jackson, when the conversation took a twist and the subject of tits arose – the ironic thing is, the reason the ladies were at the annual Senior Women in Policing Conference (three-day event designed to improve the ‘profile and perception’ of female officers).

It is unknown which of the two women started the row, but the breasty bust up reportedly started Sutcliffe had been comparing breasts with Superintendent Jackson.

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Sutcliffe must have been pretty stressed out as when questioned, all she had was this to say:

I’ve nothing to say. This is an incredibly stressful time.

It might be because she has also been suspended for using inappropriate force during a training exercise at a Manchester shopping centre.

It sounds like Sutcliffe might not be the model example of a proud female police officer – perhaps she should become a breast inspector instead.

Even after the row and all the drama surrounding the incident, it is still unclear which one of the ladies owns the most superior milk puffers.



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