Sean Astin Just Revealed That The Sequel To ‘The Goonies’ Is Still Happening



There has been talk about a sequel to ‘The Goonies’ with the original cast and crew several million times over the past 30 years, and whilst it seems like everyone involved wants to do it and is up for it, we still haven’t come any closer to it actually happening.

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Every now and again though, someone pops up and teases us just enough to make us think that it might actually be just around the corner. This time it was Sean Astin (who plays Mikey in the original movie) during an appearance at the Phoenix Comicon over the weekend.

Sean Astin The Goonies

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When asked about One Eyed Willy – the pirate who the kids are trying to steal the loot off in the movie – Astin alluded that the time Mikey came face to face with his skeleton might not be the only time that the two are destined to meet:

Well yeah, sure it’s not much but it got a bit of a reaction from the crowd didn’t it? And I suppose it makes sense that the new movie would have something to do with One Eyed Willy and that comment kind of implies that Sean Astin knows the plot and must have some inkling of what’s going down in the movie. Which kinda suggests that it’s in development and still on.

Having said that though, these rumours have been circulating for years. What they actually need to do is just get on with it like the Trainspotting sequel.



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