Here’s An Incredibly Creepy Video Of The Russian Sleep Experiment



I know that Luke Thomas wrote up an account of The Russian Sleep Experiment during World War II last summer for us, but I stumbled across this recently-made narrative video that I thought people who come to the site who don’t like reading a whole bunch of text might enjoy.

The guy says he made it because he was disappointed with the quality of the audio CreepyPastas on the Internet (check out ten of the scariest ever CreepyPastas here) and to be fair to the dude he has absolutely nailed it. The visuals are scary, there’s a low hum all the way through the narration that creates a feeling of dread in your room and his voice is perfect for reading these kinds of stories. Supremely creepy. Don’t listen to this late at night with the lights off.

Unfortunately, there’s still no further clarification on whether this actually happened or it’s just an incredible story from the mind of a complete sicko. We’re hoping for the latter because if it really did happen, it’s incredibly screwed up.



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