Porn Star Ron Jeremy To Be Declared Incompetent To Stand Trial Due To ‘Severe Dementia’



Ron Jeremy, the undisputed GOAT of the porn industry, is facing over 30 counts of rape and sexual assault that span over the last 20 years, but is rather conveniently set to be declared incompetent to stand trial due to ‘severe dementia’.

In fairness, the guy turns 70 in two months so I guess it is plausible, but the latest accusation seems to date from 2020, so it’s fairly recent.

In an email obtained by the LA Times, LA County Deputy District Attorney Paul Thompson said mental health experts had been enlisted by Jeremy’s legal team and prosecutors to determine the porn legend’s mental competency for trial. They determined his condition and found no evidence he was faking.

Thompson wrote:

‘As a result of the agreement of the experts, the defendant will be declared incompetent to stand trial … his prognosis for improvement is not good.

If he does not improve, we will not be able to try him for his crimes. Because criminal proceedings are suspended as long as he is incompetent, we also cannot get a guilty plea from him or discuss other measures to get justice for the victims in this case.’

Jeremy, who has appeared in over 2,000 adult films, has been in prison since his arrest in 2020, with some suspecting he suffered from dementia before then. He faces a dozen counts of forcible rape, seven counts of forcible oral copulation, six counts of sexual battery by restraint, four counts of sexual penetration by a foreign object and two counts of sexual penetration of an unconscious or asleep person.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, he also faces one count of committing a lewd act on a minor, stemming from an accusation he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at a party in Santa Clarita, California, in 2004. So basically any sexual crime you can think of – the guy’s been there and got the T-shirt.

Ron Jeremy

Jeremy has entered a plea of not guilty for all charges, and no doubt his apparent inability to stand trial will be gutting for his accusers. It’s pretty amazing that he went so long without being MeToo’d so it would suck if he’s guilty of all these things and ends up not being charged. Interestingly, he did get blacklisted from the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo and other porn conventions, so it sounds like Ron Jeremy’s behaviour has been the porn industry’s worst kept secret for a while now. Here’s hoping he gets what he deserves and his victims get some semblance of closure out of it.

For the cockroach-infested shxthole that Ron Jeremy was living in when he was arrested, click HERE. Maybe he is losing his mental faculties after all.



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