Police Accidentally Put Murderer And Inmate Who’s About To Testify Against Him In Cell Together



A dude named Markelus Carter is about to stand trial for aggravated murder in Lima, Ohio and as luck would have it the guy who’s meant to be testifying against him is an inmate at the same prison as him (and is already serving a sentence himself for attempted murder).

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Steven Upham says Markelus confessed to him that he’d shot dead a man named Kenneth Warrington in 2009.

What are the chances these two wind up in the same cell together?

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So either these prison guards are completely useless or they cut a deal with Carter to make this happen. I think anyone who’s seen Prison Break or Oz or any prison movie ever knows enough to tell you it’s probably the latter. Just give him 5 minutes in a cell with Upham and kill him so that he can’t make it to the witness stand. Not that this guy is any good at murder though, in fact he was pretty crap at it wasn’t he? Just kind of wrestled with the guy until the police decided his 5 minutes were up and they’d better act before it’s too obvious. That’s what I think anyway — maybe it was an accident.

One thing’s for sure, I’d take what happened there over the beatdown these inmates gave a jailed terrorist the other week.



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