Pilot Forced To Land Plane After Pensioner Doing Yoga Threatens To Kill Everyone On Board



A United Airlines plane flying from Honolulu International Airport was forced to turn around and return mid-flight after one fiesty pensioner went on a yoga-based rampage.

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The FBI explained that the plane, destined for Narita International Airport in Tokyo, was aborted when Hyongtae Pae began screaming at crew members and shoving his wife.

His anger began to build when he decided that he didn’t want to sit in his seat during food service. He told the FBI that rather than suffer the dishonour of someone offering him some food, he went to the back of the plane to ‘do yoga and meditate’. Unsurprisingly, the staff on board weren’t too comfortable with this bizarre behaviour and told him to return to his seat. When he refused, his wife got involved and also instructed him to sit back down.


Well Pae didn’t like that one bit. He responded by shoving her and screaming some more. The complainant described the scene:

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Pae pushed his wife because she was trying to make him stop.

He felt that she was siding with the flight crew.

Obviously by this point people on the plane were starting to notice the drama that was taking place, and some passengers – who happened to be marines – decided to help restrain the temperamental pensioner, says Assistant U.S. Attorney Darren Ching. But Pae wasn’t happy about that, either. Apparently trying to bite and head-butt the men as they attempted to usher him back into his seat.

Reports from passengers on the plane claimed that he was also screaming that there was ‘no god’ and that he would ‘kill everyone’. What a delightful chap. Ching went on to say that Pae’s rage did not abide after he was arrested upon landing and that he:

…urinated on himself and was on suicide watch at the Honolulu Federal Detention Centre.

At his hearing, the court heard that Pae was a 72 year old retired farmer who had recently taken up yoga to aid with his anxiety. He was supposedly sleep-deprived and as a result highly anxious during the flight which was why he was trying to meditate. He had been travelling home from Hawaii with the wife that he lovingly shoved after celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary.


US Magistrate Judge Kevin Chang ruled that Pae be released on the conditions of a $25,000 bond, and that he remain the island of Oahu. Chang (not to be confused with Ching) denied Pae’s request to return to his homeland because he doesn’t trust him to get on a plane again.

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Lucky the guy wasn’t serious about killing everyone on the plane though. Especially since someone’s made an app that can bring down a commercial plane with the click of a button.



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