Orthodox Jews Are Using These CRAZY Gadgets To Dodge Strict Sabbath Rules



Shabbos Toothbrush and Toothwash.

What can be wrong with doing your toothy pegs? God likes clean teeth, no? Well, get this, apparently you can actually break FOUR rules just by cleaning the ivory.

Shabbos Toothwash

1) Squeezing liquid out of a solid in which it was absorbed is prohibited…. yup, told you they were tricky. So the luxury rubber bristles on the Shabbos Toothbrush don’t suck up water, unlike toothbrush bristles which do take on water and when pushed against the teeth squeeze out liquid. Tut.

2) You can’t cause yourself to bleed, once again the luxury rubber bristles are good and soft on your gums.

Shabbos Toothbrush

3) “Spreading a cream or ointment onto an object used as an applicator to the body is prohibited” – this is where the Shabbos Toothwash really comes in to it’s own. Because it is a concentrated liquid, it is not classed as a cream or ointment – you’re in the clear!

4) I’ll just quote this one coz I can’t quite get my brain round it: “If a regular activity involves something that one may not do on Shabbos, that activity will be classified as a “weekday activity”” – basically, you need to use a different toothbrush than the one you use during the week, so this one is your special Sabbath brush basically.

OK, OK… what about wiping your arse?… No?… What the…



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