OnlyFans Model Who Claimed Boob Job As Business Expense Tells Trolls To ‘Shut The F*** Up’



Big couple weeks for Sick Chirpse legend Rebecca Goodwin. First, she went viral for revealing how staff at Karen’s Diner revealed her OnlyFans side gig to her daughter, and now it turns out she’s the mystery girl who claimed her boob job as a tax deductible expense.

Naturally, Rebecca is catching some flak about this by the haters and losers on the internet, but she’s fired back with the perfect response:

To all these people moaning about my t*t job being tax deductible, here’s the information you’re not willing to ask for.

Rebecca Goodwin

I paid £189,000 that tax year, my boob job was £3,600.

I had it on 29th June, in July I made over £20,000 profit thanks to my business investment. Shut the f*** up.

Worth every penny! In a follow-up Tweet, the 28-year-old added:

(People are) acting like I’m going out of my way to avoid tax, when in fact I ended up paying a lot more.

Just because you don’t see it as a business doesn’t make it less of a business.

Seems fair enough really. As an OnlyFans creator, Rebecca’s boob job is basically her work uniform, and unless there’s something we’ve all missed about work uniforms/boob jobs being exempt from tax deductible status then it’s only right that she can claim that money back. She’s also now set the blueprint for other OnlyFans girls to do the same, so that’s pretty cool.

Besides, most of the people having a go at Rebecca are probably just mad she paid more in taxes last year than they earned at their 9 to 5s. Don’t let the haters get you down, Rebecca! Go Becky Go!

Rebecca Goodwin

Rebecca Goodwin

Rebecca Goodwin

Rebecca goodwin

Rebecca Goodwin

For the 47-year-old Princess Diana lookalike who makes £16,000 a month on OnlyFans, click HERE.



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