

Waterfalls are beautiful things as they are; natural existing masterpieces, reminding you of the subtle acts the world creates when we don’t interfere. Although, we can interfere, in a non-polluting way (as this project was done) and add an element of human interaction. Human interaction with nature, as proved here, isn’t always unpleasant.

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Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard hailing at From The Lenz have created these wonderful photographs, dropping glow-sticks down waterfalls and leaving their camera’s open on a long exposure. They dropped these glow-sticks in waterfalls in North California, and stood back as the magic flowed. To think, we thought glow-sticks were just good for highlighting how depraved we are on Ketamine as we become Tumblr gifs, lost in the deep hole of the internet.

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Neon Waterfall 2

Neon Waterfall 3

Neon Waterfall 4

Neon Waterfall 5

Neon Waterfall 6



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