Man Has Taken ‘Most Ecstasy Out Of Anyone In The World’ – 40,000 Pills In 9 Years



I’m not sure what a ‘healthy’ amount of ecstasy to be doing these days is, but it’s definitely not the staggering 25 pills a day that the ‘man who has taken the most ecstasy of anyone in the world’ was recently revealed to have dropped during a nine year partying binge.

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The news comes courtesy of a research paper from acting psychiatrist Christos Kouimtsidis, who explains that the man – known only as Mr A – became heavily involved in the clubbing scene from the ages of 21 to 30. He began taking five pills every weekend for the first two years, then moved onto taking three and a half every day for the next three years before levelling out (?) to a smooth 25 a day for the last four years of his habit. Mental.

After taking 40,000 over the nine year binge, the guy decided to go clean and now seems to be doing OK at the age of 37. A clearly shocked Koumitsidis said the following about him:

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Typical use is not every day and not the amount of tablets he was taking. It was extreme, his use was really, really high.

It was more like a management of his mood rather than excitement and having fun.

No shit. Doing that amount of drugs every day for four years seems completely insane. I guess that your body/face would sort of get used to it but surely your eyes would always be as wide as the moon and you would definitely be gurning a bit and sweating buckets too?

On top of that everything would probably feel all tingly and weird and you would be talking absolute nonsense all the time as well. Really find it surprising that this guy was even able to function as an adult in this state every day for four years. Just sounds preposterous really doesn’t it? Probably need to track down the paper and read it.

Oh and just to be clear, the researchers lost touch with Mr A so we don’t know what became of him. He’s not either of the pictures I put up – they’re just random gurners loving the rave. Even they couldn’t have reached the heights of Mr A. A true legend of our time.

For more of the same, check out when this guy spiked a pigeon with an ecstasy tablet. Don’t think even a seagull deserved that.



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