This Paedo Posted The Most Dark And Depraved Video On The Internet



A paedophile over in the U.S. has been charged with several counts of child rape after he pleaded guilty before the Cumberland Court in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

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The details of William Byers Augusta’s (pictured above) crimes are truly horrific: the case uncovered that he had filmed himself sexually assaulting a six-year-old boy alongside another man who was HIV positive before posting the footage online. I would say that’s nearly as bad as Peter Scully (the only difference being that he didn’t kill anyone).

The prosecutors stated that the footage had been seized by Canadian authorities last year. They immediately alerted authorities in Cumberland County and Augusta’s home was searched where he was arrested. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the police also found another ten different recordings of the same little boy being abused.

During the search the officers seized a laptop, which is where they found the video of Augusta assaulting the victim with 62-year-old Ira Task who has HIV. Task was not even wearing protection in the video, despite being in knowledge of his status for nearly two decades. Other clips show the boy being tied up, kicked in the stomach and forced to perform sex acts.


The victim was not one of their sons, which has lead the police to believe that Augusta met him on a chat room. It’s unclear where his parents are – poor kid must’ve been a vulnerable target.

Augusta has pleaded guilty to a number of different charges, including 11 counts of child rape, and is scheduled to be sentenced in January 2017. I hope this sick mother fucker goes down for life. Meanwhile Task was sentenced to 17-40 years, although a definite figure will be decided later next year. Again, I hope it’s in the higher end because these two are the worst of the worst. Hopefully the child has been sent to a home where he will be properly looked after and can begin the road to recovery. Poor thing.

For those of you who didn’t get the Peter Scully reference, you can read his story HERE. Although be warned – it’s seriously fucked up.



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