VIDEOS: Live Performance Super Fails



Emo Sings Like Puke

The next phallus to grace our monitors is in the same vein really. Some youngster who thinks he’s awesome, but isn’t. I don’t think there’s a person in this fine world that hasn’t had a dance and a sing in private, behind closed doors, no problem with that. But if you start filming that shit and putting it on the web, which is world wide, you are opening yourself up for some serious dissing with only yourself to blame. Again, I urge you not to watch the whole kit and kaboodle, you will puke. I recommend listening to the first 12 seconds just to get a taster, then skip it to 35 seconds when he resumes his crackling and groaning. Lastly skip it to 3:15 where he goes all high pitched and falsetto in such a horrific way it’s almost a joy, but it isn’t. I hate the way he sticks his tongue out when he says the word ‘sensation’, why is he doing that?

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There you go, horrible wasn’t it. Sorry about that.



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