A Fan Has Made A LEGO Video Game Of Breaking Bad



I don’t play many video games anymore; however, I have always thought those Lego Star Wars and Pirates of Caribbean, and Batman video games seemed kinda cool. The Star Wars Lego game was actually was more fun to play than Episodes I – III were to watch.

Brian Anderson, who makes it abundantly clear that he has “no affiliation with Traveller’s Tales, LEGO, or AMC” has made a parody LEGO game for Breaking Bad. And I gotta say, it looks pretty amazing. Like Anderson, if AMC, LEGO, and Traveller’s Tales all got together, I too would buy and play the shit outta LEGO Breaking Bad. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look the original pitch to get the LEGO Breaking Bad set toys will ever happen, but, in my opinion, Traveller’s Tales and LEGO need to hire Anderson ASAP.

Check out the video below:

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