5 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Asda



4. Leave Without Paying

police asda

Here are some comments from around the Internet, made by shoppers who have been banned from ASDA:


“How do I tell my partner I got banned from Asda tonight? I tried some shoes on and I left the new ones on and forgot to change them I don’t know why and now been banned and I don’t know how to tell my hubby.”

Marie V:

I got caught shoplifting in Asda two weeks ago. They said they could see me on the camera’s. The items were not worth more than 15 pounds, but I know it is wrong and I feel incredibly guilty and ashamed of myself. I haven’t been able to think of anything else and I am so anxious and affraid that I have destroyed my future. Fortunately they didn’t call the police but they took my picture and id and made me sign a form that said that I was going to be banned from all Asda’s in England. I have never regretted something so badly, and I will never do it again. But now I am very affraid that this stupid action will affect the rest of my life. Does anybody know how the Asda policy is with this ban? Will it ever be lifted from my name or will I be banned forever? I haven’t received any letter from them. It’s not that I want to go back to the local store (too ashamed), but I am just very affraid of this database and my friends or family finding out about it. And in case I do go in to an Asda store in a year or so, and they recognise me from the photo, can they arrest me? I am 24 years old, so no excuses and old enough to be prosecuted, but it was my first time, I feel horrible about it and will never do it again. I already send an apology letter to the local Asda Store. Is there anything I could do to rectify the situation? Thank you for your help.


this man who works in asda said i was banned from asda for trying to put a box of condoms in my mates bag, he said i was trying to shop lift but i wasn’t going to put them in there i was just pretending but then this man asked for my name and address and stuff. he said they would put some letter through my door? does this mean im banned? for how long? and it’s just ridiculous i get caught for pretending to do something when loads of other people actually steal stuff. i didn’t even steal and i was on my way to take them back to the isle. the man didn’t even let me have my say but no police was involved.”

Don’t want to end up like these guys looking for answers to their Asda woes on the Internet? Make sure you pay for your shit, fool.



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