What, you didn’t think Katie Price was going to cut back on the surgeries just because her bum filler started leaking out on stage, did you?
The other day, the Page 3 legend unveiled her new look on Instagram while out shopping at Waitrose:
Incredible. Let’s take a closer look at some stills:
Honestly, she’s had so much work done that it’s hard to keep up, so I’m not even really too sure how to explain what looks different about her. I think her teeth are bigger? That’s one thing. Her face looks more Pete Burns-like, and all her wrinkles have completely vanished? There’s also definitely something different about her top lip, but then that might be a by-product of the new teeth? God knows.
Well, either way, we’re not here to pass judgment on what Katie Price wants to do with her hard-earned cash, so if she’s happy splashing another £10k on completely transforming her face then more power to her.
Not bad going for someone who’s supposedly close to bankruptcy. Seriously, who’s paying for all this?