Hypervaccinated Man Has Had COVID Jab 217 Times In Three Years



A man in Germany has agreed to be tested by scientists after they discovered that he got himself vaccinated against Covid-19 217 times within a period of three years, which I guess makes him the most vaccinated man in the world.

The man, 62, ‘deliberately and for private reasons received 217 vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 within a period of 29 months’, a study revealed.

When scientists found out this man had essentially turned himself into a one-man clinical trial, they asked if they could carry out tests to see how his body had responded to being vaccinated 200+ times, which he agreed to.

The results have now been published in the Lancenet journal and, amazingly, show that he has not had any apparent ill effects, with all his immune cells functioning normally.

Obviously no doctor in their right mind would recommend you get that many vaccinations, but given that he had already done it anyway scientists were interested to see what happened. They actually found official evidence for 134 of his vaccinations, but he insists the true number is 217.

Pair of gloved hands giving a Covid injection

Researchers also found that the man had no signs of ever having had Covid-19, ‘as indicated by repeatedly negative SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests, PCRs and nucleocapsid serology’. Which you’d bloody hope was the case after he’d been vaccinated that many times.

The question is – what the hell was this guy doing getting vaccinated 217 times in the first place? Was he just that much of a hypochondriac? Well, it turns out he was accused of getting vaccinated over and over again so he could then sell the vaccination cards/documents to people who were unvaccinated and refusing to get the jab. Which is quite brilliant entrepreneurial thinking if you’re willing to do that to your body, which this nut job clearly was. In fact, the accusations were how researchers got wind of his situation in the first place.

Now obviously a lot of people are going to see this as some kind of propaganda piece that suggests the Covid vaccine is completely safe because this 62-year-old man had over 200 of them and is feeling fine. But I think it’s really just a story about a bonkers German dude who got himself vaccinated 200+ times, and that’s all there is to it.

Oppositely, we’ve got people who have been vaccinated just the once and claim they were ‘injured’. Look into it for yourself and make your own mind up.



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