Watch These Guys Completely Crap Themselves When Their Tinder Date’s Exes Show Up Wanting To Fight



Apparently girls are way more careful about online dating than guys – which makes a lot of sense to be honest – and it’s very rare for a guy to get into any trouble on an online date, save for maybe forgetting to show up with their A game.

That’s why all the guys featured in this prank video from notorious YouTube prankster Fousey Tube are so confident that nothing is going to happen when they get invited to a girl’s house on a Tinder date – like that ever happens – but they get a nasty surprise when the girl’s ex shows up at the apartment all up in their faces and ready to go. Each of the three guys in the video reacts completely differently and it’s a lot of fun watching them squirm when confronted with a stacked black dude (or an irate lesbian in one case) – great prank.

It’s probably not as bad as the worst Tinder date of all time where a guy ended up at a crack den though.

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