This Guy’s Penis Snapped During Sex And Swelled To The Size Of A Wine Bottle (NSFW)



Most of us are too busy having a wicked time when we’re having sex to worry about injuring ourselves, but these problems do occur so it’s important to know the consequences of them and stay safe.

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Perfect example of this is the story of 48 year old Sean Marsden who slipped whilst he was having sex with his girlfriend, ultimately leading to the fracture of his penis which left it the size of a wine bottle. Sounds like it was pretty big to begin with hey, even if it was swollen up.

The incident occurred when he slipped into his girlfriend Louise Gray’s pelvis and heard a massive crack, leaving him writhing in pain on the floor. Doctors carried out a ‘penile exploration’ and told him to avoid having sex for a month after discovering he had damaged the muscles in his dick. They let him leave hospital with a temporary catheter, morphine and a plastic rod strapped alongside his heavily bandaged penis.

Sounds absolutely horrific right? Here’s what Sean had to say about it all:

I am definitely going to be more careful in the future. We need to be more gentle because I can’t afford for that to happen again.

I couldn’t wait to have sex again. I am terrified to do it but it hasn’t put me off.

I am very anxious. At first I was convinced I’d never be able to have sex again. It made me feel sick.

Louise says she’s scared of hurting me again. When it happened I was praying for it to stop.


The doctors said if I didn’t have the operation it could be deformed. It could have had a bend in it.

The doctors are saying the injuries might leave me unable to have children in the future but they don’t know yet.

I am scared to find out the truth because I would like to have kids with Louise.

I’m not sure when I’ll find out.

I have to wait until I go back to the hospital to find out more.

I’d be devastated.

I don’t think it will happen but you never know.

Damn dude – I thought the whole point of having sex was to have children so it’s kinda ironic that having sex might be the reason that this guy can’t have children right? Hope that doesn’t turn out to be the case for him though.

For more broken penises, check out this story about another dude breaking his penis when his son accidentally jumped on his erection. Nightmare.



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