Man Decides To Pay His Speeding Fine By Dumping Two Buckets Of Pennies On The Cashier



There’s pretty much nothing worse than getting a parking fine because most of the time it’s absolute bullshit and there’s nothing really that you can do about it – even the process of appealing is so time consuming that it’s normally less effort just to begrudgingly pay it.

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If you really wanted to get back at the establishment though, you could do what this guy who got papped doing 39mph in a 30mph zone did when he received a $212 fine – he went around all  the local banks in his area to get rolls of pennies and then rocked up to pay the fine with a bucket full of them.

Check out this video of him documenting the process here:

Wow. That was a hell of a lot of effort to go to to pay that fine, but I suppose the dude has got a viral video out of it so maybe he’s made the money back (and then some), but it still seems a bit of an extreme reaction.

You kind of have to feel sorry for the cashier woman and Matthew too as it’s likely they don’t want to be working as clerks at the municipal court but it was probably one of the only jobs they could get – it’s not really sticking it to the man making some poor grunt count out change for four hours. In fact, when the man hears about it all he’s gonna do is probably laugh about it as well.

Still, I suppose it probably felt good for the dude to do that at least, and it is raising awareness about how bullshit parking/speeding fines are. He nailed the ‘mail me the receipt line’ as he walked out too, and what about that Dread Pirate Roberts t-shirt as well – pretty cool dude.

For help getting out of parking tickets, check out this website. It reduces the appeal time by about an hour.



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