‘Gladiators’ Is Returning To The BBC With A New Breed Of Supersized Superstars



I don’t care who you were or what you were doing back in the mid 90s, you were definitely watching ‘Gladiators’ on Saturday night and watching some personal trainers get their asses absolutely handed to them by Wolf, Shadow, Jet and the rest of them. It was required viewing.

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With that in mind, it’s kind of surprising that ITV stopped making new episodes of the show back in 2000 and nobody has even thought of rebooting it or bringing it back until now. Dan Baldwin, the managing director of Hungry Bear productions company has now today announced that a new series will be coming next year to the BBC:

It’s the perfect time for Gladiators to return. What other show combines electric excitement, superheroes, giant sponge fingers, elite athletes, and a pinch of pantomime?

Watch out for the new breed of superhuman, supersized, superstars bursting on to your screens on BBC One and iPlayer.

Gladiators is back and a whole new generation of viewers can now look forward to watching a Saturday night spectacle like no other.

Will the contenders have the will and the skill to succeed against our mighty new Gladiators? You’ll have to tune in to find out!
Yeah, this all sounds good on paper and like something I would be interested in, but with a lot of these revivals I just can’t get that excited about it? ‘Gladiators’ was absolutely sick back in the day obviously, but I don’t think it’s going to be anywhere near as good now as it was then.
Some things should just stay in the past and be remembered with a healthy dose of nostalgia. This is one of them.



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