Go Compare Kill Gio Compario



Gio Compario

You’ve no doubt seen a Go Compare advert like the one above during your travels over the last couple of weeks. They show the annoying as fvck Go Compare man (I think his name is Gio Compario?) doing his usual stuff (i.e. looking like a twat, thank god billboards don’t have speakers because then the cunt would be singing no doubt) but each board looks like it’s been vandalised and covered in graffiti. Now I have to admit, when I first saw a board like the one above, in Manchester, I believed that it was the result of an anarchist teenager pulling off some pretty funny graffiti. After seeing another few of these pop up on Facebook I Googled/figured out that it was just an ad campaign. Turns out that Go Compare are as sick to death of this prick as much as we are, so have completely flip reversed their ad campaign and are now in the process of trying to rid this guy out of their lives. Good luck with that. There is no way (in my generation at least) that I won’t compare Go Compare (lol) with some dude singing the most annoying fvcking jingle ever.

After running these billboards for a few weeks Go Compare have finally lived up to their promise and delivered their new TV advert which you can watch below. I had a bit of a sudden clarity Clarence moment last night when it came on the TV as everything finally made sense and fell into place.

The advert is of the Gio Compario dude singing on some couple’s front lawn (imagine coming home to that) when some RPG wielding person (who we later find out is ex-tennis player Sue Barker) takes shot of the fat cunt and finally wipes him out. Amen. Check it:

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wALlG9HqfRs’]



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