Geronimo – The Man, The Legend, The Warrior



As a prisoner of war, Geronimo found some fame. He wrote a biography and would make public appearances. He showed up at the St. Louis World’s Fair where he rode a ferris wheel and sold pictures of himself. Initially he had not wanted to go to the fair but was convinced when he was told that the President approved.

After the event he said “I am glad I went to the fair. I saw many interesting things and learned much of the white people. They are a very kind and peaceful people. During all the time I was at the fair no one tried to harm me in any way. Had this been among the Mexicans I am sure I should have been compelled to defend myself often.”

In his later years he converted to the Dutch Reformed Church as he respected Christianity’s principals, but was thrown out four years later for gambling. Geezer.

Geronimo - Apache Warrior Hero - With Gun

Despite not being considered a threat to America anymore, he was never allowed to go back to his home land, and he certainly never forgave the Mexicans. In 1909 he fell off his horse whilst riding home one night. He was riding alone and had to spend the night lying in the dark before being found by a friend in the morning. He contracted pneumonia and died in Feburary 1909. His last words were to his nephew were reported to be  “I should have never surrendered. I should have fought until I was the last man alive.”


☛ Next Up: Chinese Dog Meat Festival Looks Ruff

Geronimo - Apache Warrior Hero - With Headress



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