Frankie Boyle Goes On Hunger Strike



It’s still Ramadan, detainees are still hunger striking in Guantanamo, the US government are still force feeding them. Such are the times we live in. Such is Guantanamo Bay. You might remember the start of Ramadan being marked by a video featuring Yasiin Bey (Mos Def); undergoing the procedure in which detainees are force fed at Guantanamo that left him in tears, it’s pretty grim — if you missed it you can still watch it HERE. It coincides with numerous human right organisations continuing to protest and draw attention to breeches of human rights happening at Guantanamo.

Some of these breeches of human rights stem from the very detaining of the majority of those detained; without charge, without trial, with indefinite detainment. One such detainee is Shaker Aamer; currently the last remaining British detainee in Guantanamo; arrested in 2001; held without charge since then. Aamer has been on hunger strike for over 150 days in protest of his, and other detainees, treatment at Guantanamo. He has of course been being force fed during that time.

To bring attention to this, everyone’s favourite, controversial, comedian — no, not him, nor her, nope, him neither — Frankie Boyle has taken to hunger strike in Aamer’s support. Boyle made the news in December when he donated the £50,000 he won in a libel suit against The Daily Mirror to Shaker Aamer’s legal funds. Taking his efforts to highlight the ongoing plight of Aamer, as of Wednesday, July 17th, Frankie Boyle has been on hunger strike and regularly tweeting about it to keep his followers up to speed and garner further publicity.

Prior to Boyle taking up the mantel it was upheld by human right lawyer Clive Stafford Smith, who represents Shaker Aamer and is a part of human rights organisation Reprieve. Smith lasted seven days before passing the baton on to Boyle. Have a look at some of the tweets below;








Of  course, though, in among all that and in spite of starvation, there’s always still time and energy to be offensive;






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