Paedophile Footballer Adam Johnson Set To Be Released From Prison Later This Month



It’s hard to believe that it’s been about three years since Adam Johnson went to jail for being a paedophile/messing around with a 15 year old girl in the front seat of his car, but it has been and that means that he’s halfway through his six year sentence and now eligible for parole.

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Most inmates can expect to serve half their sentence in jail and half of it on licence, so that means that Johnson will be coming back into the outside world on March 22nd of this year – almost three years to the day since he went inside.  A ‘source’ told The Sun the following:


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Everything is in place for Adam’s release now. He’s got his house sorted out to come back to which his sister is living in at the moment.

He knows high-level football is off the table because of his conviction, so he’s trying to work out what to do.

But it is not going to involve getting back with Stacey. She wants to keep things civilised and she believes their daughter should have both parents in her life, but isn’t looking to rebuild their relationship.

Apparently Johnson is thinking about joining the Chinese Super League and flying back weekly to see a probation officer and his daughter, but that sounds completely and utterly ridiculous to me. Still, I guess he probably wants to keep playing money and even a disgraced former player like him can probably earn a fat pay day over in China, so needs must. Not too many options available for convicted paedophiles.

For more of the same, check out the job he was doing whilst he was behind bars. Really stupid.



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