Welcome To The Dangerous Underground World Of Fingerboarding (VIDEO)



Fingerboarding is one of those sports/games/pastimes/whatever that you probably spent a few minutes messing around with when you were about 14 and there was nothing much else to do.

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Of course, if you had the desire and application to stick with it, then you might be as good as Chris Heck who stars in the video below entitled ‘Fingers Of Steel’. Filmmaker Sebastian Linda explains the concept:

Chris Heck fought his way up over the most dangerous, lifethreatening tricks, with numerous sore finger injuries, and nerval breakdowns to where he is today.

 Since winning the German championship in 2003, he worked everyday on his inventive tricks while phoning with his wife Anna, on his wooden kitchen table.

Through this hard training his fingers became harder than any industry steel you can buy. His Pro Model, with a red Skwirral, (which is his favourite animal, right after turtles and foxes) crowns his legendary 21 years of Finger Skateboarding.

Check out some of his epic skills below:

Say what? That guy must have put hours and hours of training in to get as good as that. Fair play, some of the grinds and flips are absolutely insane – no wonder he won the German championship and is continuing to push the sport forward.

For more fingerboarding, check out this epic four metre long park that these dudes made. Great stuff.



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