A Farmer Proposed To His Girlfriend Using A Cow’s Udder



Proposals come in all shapes and sizes but I think between this one and one we featured a while back, farmers definitely have the worst taste when it comes to them.

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The snap comes courtesy of an anonymous Facebook group titled ‘That’s It, I’m Ring Shaming’ and was posted anonymously, featuring a sparkling engagement ring placed on a cow’s udder. The woman captioned the photograph as follows:

Shaming the ring and the whole photoshoot.

The person is a farmer. Still doesn’t excuse his bad taste. And is this considered a nipple ring?

If my eyeballs are forced to suffer through this nonsense I’m dragging everyone down with me.

I mean yeah fair because that photograph and whole idea of a proposal is absolutely awful isn’t it? Can’t believe that somebody would actually go through with that even if they are a farmer because it’s not attractive, cute or romantic – all things that you should probably be looking for in a proposal.

Sure, possibly there’s some kind of hidden meaning for the bride and the groom within it, but I really am struggling to think what it could be and how they can’t have come up with anything else more appropriate throughout their relationship. There’s also the fact that this anonymous woman has shared the picture which means that the happy couple were clearly pretty proud of it and shared it themselves to begin with which just makes them even more insufferable. How can anyone think that this is a good idea/cool?

I guess at least they’re meant for each other in that case, but for me it’s the absolute worst proposal of all time, sorry. Hope they get divorced.

For more proposals, check out this guy falling off a bridge and dying after he proposed. Probably not so good



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