Dave Franco Is Playing Vanilla Ice In A New Biopic



If there was a list of people that needed movies made about them, I doubt that Vanilla Ice would be near the top of too many of them BUT he made it to the list of a couple of people that matter which means that movie about him is indeed set to be made.

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Dave Franco is set to take the reigns as Vanilla Ice in a film that will be called ‘To The Extreme’, named after Vanilla Ice’s album that somehow spent 16 weeks at number one in the charts over in America. Yeah, I can’t really believe that that’s possible either but that is apparently what happened.

Franco says that the project will follow the same sort of trajectory as his brother James’ movie ‘The Disaster Artist’:

With that movie, people expected us to make a broad comedy where we make fun of Tommy Wiseau, but the more real we played it, the funnier and heartfelt it was—that’s the tone we want for this one as well.

I know I opened this by saying I doubted anyone really wanted a biopic about Vanilla Ice, but having heard about it and whose involved, I am totally there for it. ‘The Disaster Artist’ is undoubtedly one of the best comedies of recent years, and I imagine the story of Vanilla Ice is even stupider than that of Tommy Wisseau. Can’t wait.

For more of the same, check out this Game Of Thrones/Vanilla Ice mashup. That was a weird time.



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