The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #14



Blowhole Bedlam

Darwin Awards - Stupid Ways To Die - blowhole

In 2002, 18-year-old Daniel was on holiday in Hawaii with his folks. He was chilling at the beach and had got talking to three young ladies. (Uh oh, here we go… it’s a bloke trying to impress women again, when will we learn?)

Nearby there was a large blow-hole that shot water 20 ft into the air. There are signs saying “don’t go near it you dummy” and things of that nature, and a fence protecting it from people’s stupidity. But Daniel was determined and climbed up and over some rocks so that he could feel the force of the water. He was overheard saying he wanted to feel the water hit his chest.

Moments later his wish came true, he was thrown 5 ft into the air, then as he came down he fell head first into the hole and disappeared out of sight. His body was found the next day. He was the fourth person to have been sucked into the blow-hole, only one had survived.

☛ Next: HOW TO GUIDE — Cutting Massive Holes In Cows



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