Customer In Uxbridge Trashes Mobile Phone Shop As She Demands Refund For Phone She Bought 3 Months Ago



A young lady went ballistic inside Elect Tronex at the Pavillions Shopping Centree in Uxbridge, West London this weekend, after being denied a refund for a phone she bought 3 months ago – which is apparently too late to be returning a phone that’s in perfect working order.

The girl drew a crowd as she proceeded to smash the place up, call the shop employee the P-word, wish r@pe on his mum, and almost get into a fist fight with a random woman:

Awful stuff. Fair play to the shop staff though – really impressive how they manage to remain calm while she’s destroying all their stock, wishing r@pe on their mums, and racially abusing them. Imagine what a nightmare this girl is in the classroom? Teachers have it tough today with entitled brats like this running around, that’s for sure.

Obviously this girl is young and has some serious anger issues so I don’t want to go too hard on her. Hopefully being arrested at the end there and going viral on social media will knock some sense into her. Although from what she saying she’s been arrested “a hundred times” already. Maybe this time she’ll figure out it isn’t a badge of honour.

To watch all hell break loose on a Ryanair flight as two lads fight, headbutt and spit at each other, click HERE. People just do not know how to behave!



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