The CPS Are Deciding Whether Or Not To Prosecute Cliff Richard For Historic Sex Abuse



Following on from the raids on his property that have been going on for a couple of years now, South Yorkshire Police are now stating that they’ve handed a file of evidence over to the Crown Prosecution Service, and it’s now up to them to decide whether or not to prosecute veteran performer Cliff Richard for historic sex crimes.

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The 75 year old has been questioned by police twice in the past couple of years in addition to the raids and has denied any wrongdoing and been co-operative each time. Despite this, the South Yorkshire Police seem to think he has a case to answer, but the ball now rests firmly in the court of the CPS.

Here’s what they had to say:

Cliff Richard 2

We have received a full file of evidence from South Yorkshire Police.

We will now carefully consider its contents in line with the Code for Crown Prosecutors, in order to establish whether there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction, and whether it is in the public interest to do so.

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Well, I thought this had kind of died down considering they raided Cliff’s house like 18 months ago, but it seems like the South Yorkshire Police have been feverishly working in the background trying to gather up the evidence needed to send Cliff down. I think considering the fact that it’s been announced that the evidence had even been delivered at all, then they’re probably going to end up prosecuting him which isn’t something I saw coming in the slightest.

Although I suppose there has alway been something kind of off with him with all that plastic surgery and being kind of weird, so maybe he was up to no good behind the closed doors of his mansion back in the day. We’ll have to wait and see how this one plays out.

For some really messed up sexual abuse, read this story.



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