Conor McGregor Confirms He Is Running For President And Will ‘Make Ireland Great Again’



Fresh off his meeting with Donald Trump at the White House, Conor McGregor has confirmed that he will run to become Ireland’s President, in a bid to ‘make Ireland great again’ (MIGA? Could take some getting used to).

McGregor shared the announcement on Instagram alongside a photo of himself wearing a ‘Make Ireland Great Again’ cap:

Ireland must fully implement the EU Migration Pact by June 12, 2026.

So between now and 12 June 2026, several pieces of legislation have to be passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas & then signed by the President.

The next presidential election must take place by 11 Nov 2025

Who else will stand up to Government and oppose this bill?

Any other Presidential candidate they attempt to put forward will be of no resistance to them.

I will!

For clarity also, as President, I would put forth this bill to referendum.

Although I oppose greatly this pact, it is neither mine nor governments choice to make.

BGUK_3187443 - Washington, - Donald Trump, the President of the United States, invited Conor McGregor to speak at the White House in Washington on March 18, 2025. Irish mixed martial arts (MMA) champion Conor McGregor made particularly virulent anti-immigration remarks that angered Irish Prime Minister Miche??l Martin. Pictured: Donald Trump, Conor McGregor BACKGRID UK 18 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: BEST IMAGE / BACKGRID UK: +44 208 344 2007 / USA: +1 310 798 9111 / *Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*

It is the people of Irelands choice! Always!

That is a true democracy!

I would also be curious to hear our government officials reasoning for agreeing with this pact so fervently.

I would love to hear the debates!

Followed then by vote!

This is the future of Ireland with me as President.

All citizens of Ireland to have a voice and a choice on their future!

God bless our people! 🇮🇪🙏

Vote McGregor and have your voice heard!

On the surface, this seems like a completely insane South Park episode that has no chance of happening in the real world, but let’s not forget, there is a precedent of accused rapists and convicted felons being elected to the highest office in the country, so it’s not totally out of the realm of possibility.

But what are the chances realistically? McGregor would need to secure at least 20 nominations from members of the Houses of Oireachtas (representatives in Ireland’s houses of parliament), which you wouldn’t think is likely. Even if he did manage that, he would then have to secure the majority vote in the election itself. Most online commentators will tell you that’s impossible, but then again, that’s what they said about Donald Trump when he first ran for the Presidency.

This all comes days after the McGregor said “Ireland is on the cusp of losing its Irishness” due to the “illegal immigration racket”. If McGregor does end up qualifying for the Presidential race (big if), it will be up to the Irish people to decide whether they agree with him, and if he’s the man to sort it all out. I guess this rules out a return to the Octagon?

For Conor McGregor’s completely unhinged interaction with Logan & Jake Paul at Trump’s inauguration, click HERE.



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