Charles Bronson’s Ex Wife Says He’ll Be Driven To Nearest Greasy Spoon In A Bentley Upon Release



I had kind of forgotten that Charles Bronson might be getting out of prison this year after his recent parole hearing as I had kinda thought that there would have been an announcement one way or the other by this point, but his ex-wife is confident that he’ll be released in good time – and she reckons he knows exactly where he’ll go first too.

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70 year old Irene Dunbar married Bronson back in 1972, before he began his 48 year stretch behind bars and when he was still known as Mick Peterson. Here’s what she had to say about him:

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A Bentley car is going to come and pick him up when the day comes.

It’s going to take him straight to the greasiest spoon café he can find so he can have a double breakfast of everything – double sausage, double egg.

Mick is not a terrorist, rapist or murderer or paedophile. His crimes of violence are because he was getting violently treated.

He has got stab wounds all over his back, one attack he was on life support, he was going to die. He has got to get out. In these last years he hasn’t had any violent treatment and he has behaved.

He’s going to do loads of painting and he can’t wait to go to an art shop and pick paints and brushes.

He’s going to spend 12 months selling his work and doing an exhibition. He’s hoping to get the money to get a little cottage in the countryside.

He wants two dogs, Ronnie and Reggie, so he can go on nice, long walks. That’s all he wants. He is not going to cause any trouble. He’s too old.

I suppose that sounds like a nice way for him to spend the last few years of his life but I guess we’re kinda glossing over the fact that he admitted to nine rooftop protests and eleven hostage sieges whilst he’s been in prison. He has been well behaved for the last several years though, so does that excuse his previous behaviour and sentences?

That’s obviously not for me to decide, but I guess it’s tough for the parole board to choose between upholding the law or letting a supposedly reformed man out of prison for the final years of his life. It’s a tough one – which is probably why they’re still deliberating. Stay tuned.

For more of the same, check out Bronson telling his son to send his twelve girlfriends sex toys to keep them satisfied. Weird life.



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