Boss vs. Queen: Only the Boss Can Pull the Plug



The whole world is seemingly aflame at the London police for pulling the plug on a rare jam session between Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney. Steven Van Zandt was especially pissed, asking “the cops got nothing more important to do?”

But the Boss himself is in a jovial mood despite getting his time with Sir Paul cut short thanks to a local sound ordinance. He kicked off a show in Dublin last night by flipping on a fake power generator and said, “Before we were so rudely interrupted…” He then launched into the final minute of “Twist And Shout,” the song that was cut off at the London show.

Then he performed “I Fought The Law,” and repeatedly throughout the concert he slyly jabbed at the London incident. He held up a sign that read “Only the Boss says when to pull the plug,” and later a fake London cop tried to arrest him onstage. “We’re not sure when the curfew is tonight,” Springsteen joked, “do you really have curfews in Ireland?” No plugs were pulled in Dublin, though Springsteen did end at the 11 p.m. cut-off time.



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