Men With ‘Very Large Penises’ Are Wanted For New Documentary ‘Too Large To Love’



Life as a man with an extremely large penis might seem like a fun and hilarious time, but apparently the reality is much different.

A group of documentary-makers in the UK have come together to shed some light on this societal problem, and have put out a casting call for men who struggle with their unusually large cocks to appear in their series ‘Too Large To Love’. Producers Spun Gold posted the following ad online:

“We’d like to speak to people about their positive and negative experiences of having a large penis, or being with someone who has one. A recent survey found that nearly half of the male population wish they had a bigger penis. So, a bigger penis, a better life, right? Well, not always.

A brand new documentary is to discuss the hidden problems of living with a very large penis, how it affects all aspects of life including your sex life, and what help is out there for those in need.”

Now, a cynical man with a small or average willy might ask why anyone would want to watch this. Isn’t big dick privilege real? Isn’t it true that even the ugliest and most uncharismatic of men get laid when word gets out they’re packing a cock that would put a horse to shame? Well maybe in some cases. But it’s actually important for us to listen to the stories of these men who have been cursed with humongous dongs, and understand their struggles. For example, not being able to find condoms that fit. Maybe injuring a partner during sex or being turned down due to the terrifying size of your manhood.

It all starts with listening and empathising. Men with huge penises usually boast about it like it’s a blessing but are they truly happy? It sounds like many of them may actually need our help and sympathy. So for all you men out there who are ‘Too Large To Love’, apply to appear on the series if you want your story out there. The rest of us tiny-dicked/below average males will be ready to listen and lend you our support. Good luck!

For the study that found that men with bigger noses have bigger penises, click HERE. Is that really true?



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