Another week, another rundown of the funniest and weirdest conversations and profiles in Tinder land. If you’ve got any you think can make the cut send them in to our Facebook page or e-mail
And we’re off…
Good thing he let her know so she can clear her schedule.
Girl’s a legend.
Romeo and Juliet.
If this doesn’t get him laid, nothing will.
Not a large mackerel?
Got a keeper here.
9 months to think of a follow-up and that’s what he came up with
We can see that!
How is this guy single?
Not exactly Brad Pitt himself is he?
How to charm the ladies.
That can’t be comfortable.
She’s ready.
Well that’s a bit weird.
Swipe right to find out?
What a gent.
Aaaand we’re done.
Alrighty then. That was fun. See you next week for more best and worst Tinder shenanigans.
For last week’s instalment, click HERE.