Anti-Fascist Protestor Stabs Innocent Man Because Of His ‘Neo-Nazi Haircut’



Neo-Nazism has been in the news a hell of a lot recently following the march on Charlottesville and whilst they’re all generally portrayed as bad dudes, it seems like some of the anti-fascists might not be quite as righteous as they seem at first glance either.

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Whilst most of the action was going on in Charlottesville, one 26-year-old guy called Joshua Witt was getting out of his car at the Steak ‘N’ Shake in Sheridan, Colorado only to be confronted by an anti-fascist who tried to stab him. The protester swung at his head with the knife, but fortunately Witt was able to block it:

The man ran over to me yelling, “Are you one of them neo-Nazis?”

I threw my hands up when he swung at me and once the knife kind of hit, I dived back into my car and shut the door and watched him run off west, behind my car.

I believes it was my haircut that confused the anti-fascist, as I don’t have anything else on me that would causes someone to mistake me for a white Nationalist.

Apparently, my haircut is considered a neo-Nazi statement. I’m considering changing it.

Yeah, I’m not surprised about that: if people wanted to stab me because of my hairstyle I’m pretty sure I’d change it fairly rapidly too. Chances are this is a one-off incident, but I suppose you never know though so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Hope Justin managed to make it to the barber safely.

For more bad haircuts, check out this woman who called the police after she received one. Definitely worth a call.



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