I know, I know, we’ve all seen funny vids of stupid animals being stupid loads of times. I know this, I do. But let me put you at ease, I am not easily impressed by this genre of humour. I am a stubborn man when it comes to laughing at our feathered/ furry friends. Of course they will be funny, they are stupid and have no shame, just like Peter Andre, and for that reason we can laugh at them almost constantly if we so choose. But we must be discerning.
The website I want to show you about today has been a constant source of joy to me over the last few months. It’s a humble collection of short clips, hand picked by some sort of mega animal genius, maybe it’s even an animal its self that picks them out, I don’t know, quite probably no one will ever know. The link below is to my particular favourite clip, it answers the age old question of whether Giraffes can do a wheel spin or not. The answer is here:

I know you guys are busy people, but maybe put aside some time one rainy sheizer of a day and watch them all. I mean it. Do it. You will be better of for it. If there was a Grammy for GIFs these friggers would win every year. Check out Animals Being Dicks here.