Andrew Tate Says Girls Who Go To Festivals Are ‘Sweaty Peasants’ And ‘Festihoes’



If there’s one person you want to take dating advice from, it’s an (alleged) sex trafficker/rapist who is currently bored out of his mind on house arrest and spending way too much time ranting on Twitter from his Romanian mansion.

Andrew Tate’s latest red flag to look out for in prospective partners… women who go to festivals:

Obviously, every woman Andrew Tate has ever spent time with has been an unvaccinated, straight edge virgin who has never been to a party in her life and definitely isn’t a hooker or a hostage. Like this crew of young ladies he had over for a sleepover, for example:

In any case, the comments underneath those Andrew Tate Tweets really are a thing to behold.  They’re full of losers named things like ‘Masculine Excellence’, ‘Manly Mind’ and ‘King Wisdom’ who are parroting everything he says and picking fights with anyone who disagrees. These boys genuinely believe Tate’s BS more than he does!

Now that’s not to say there aren’t women at festivals that you probably would want to avoid. But there are also plenty of regular girls there that would make suitable partners for anyone. Just like anywhere you go in the world really. Who knows – maybe Tate caught an STD after staying over in some girl’s tent at Coachella and that’s why he’s making such a big deal about it? Or maybe he’s just Tweeting any old controversial nonsense to stay relevant. Fair play to the guy – he really is the master of going viral at the moment.

The other day, Tate had a go at a Coronation Street actor after he apologised for Liking Tate’s Tweets.



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