Alton Towers Is Closing Iconic Ride Nemesis On November 6th



There’s no denying that when Nemesis opened at Alton Towers back in 1994 that it was an absolutely massive deal, as it was Europe’s first ever inverted rollercoaster and really put the UK on the world map when it came to thrill rides. Pretty sure we had never seen anything like it at the time.

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I think we all thought that Nemesis would just be around forever like part of the furniture, but it turns out that the legendary ride will be closing come November 6th. Well, sort of.

The original announcement was made on social media, but there’s been such a backlash that Kate McBirnie, Head of Product Excellence at Alton Towers Resort, has released the following statement:

Nemesis is Europe’s first ever inverted rollercoaster, which has been exciting thrillseekers since 1994.

The legendary rollercoaster is loved by thrillseekers across the UK and beyond, and we want to give fans of the ride the opportunity to experience Nemesis in its current form before it closes on November 6.

OK so that just kind sounds to me like they’re going to repaint the track of Nemesis and start calling it The Phalanx instead, but even though it’s still going to be there in a different format, it’s kind of a sad day to see such a legendary rollercoaster enter its final stretch. RIP Nemesis, Long Live The Phalanx I guess.

NB I suppose if you want to nit pick there will still be Nemesis: Inferno at Thorpe Park, but the one at Alton Towers was the original so it still hits close to home.

For more of the same, check out this woman who is in love with a rollercoaster and regularly makes love to it. Major weirdo.



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