Watch The Moment Alex Jones Learns His Lawyers Accidentally Sent Entire Contents Of His Phone To Sandy Hook Lawyers



Alex Jones is currently in the middle of a defamation trial for spreading misinformation about the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, in which 20 children and six adults were murdered. The grieving families of the victims were already traumatised enough, so just imagine having to then deal with Alex Jones telling millions of people that you are paid actors and the massacre never even took place, among other things.

Well, thanks to a HUGE cock-up by his own lawyers, the attorneys for the Sandy Hook parents revealed to Jones this week that they are in possession of the last two years of his text messages, which will make proving that he knew he was lying all this time a walk in the park…

Wow, wow, wow. Here’s a rundown of how this is playing out in court by a reporter in attendance:

Well, as entertaining as Alex Jones can be at times, this is probably the sort of karma he’s had coming to him for a long time. It doesn’t even matter that he doesn’t believe half the crap he comes out with; the fact is that there are plenty of idiots out there who do. Has he been right about some things? Yes. But claiming that a mass shooting that killed 26 young children and staff at a school never happened? Claiming that those people never existed and profiting from spreading these lies? It’s amazing that anyone could be so greedy and soulless.

What I don’t get is how Alex Jones’s lawyers could screw up so badly and then not even inform him that they screwed up before he took the stand? Maybe another conspiracy theory for him to look into. Let’s hope that this small bit of justice against Alex Jones brings some peace and closure to the families he’s been messing with all these years.

For the time Alex Jones went ballistic on a group of teenagers enforcing COVID rules at a park, click HERE.



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