Alec Baldwin’s Wife Snaps At Him For Interrupting Her During Red Carpet Interview



What a crazy couple years it’s been for Alec Baldwin. First, he accidentally killed a cinematrogapher on the set of his movie ‘Rust’ after pulling the trigger on a prop gun, and then he became a Hollywood laughing stock after his wife started strutting around town with a fake Spanish accent

But all that pales in comparison (well, maybe not the shooting part) with his wife castrating him on camera in front of the world the other night:

Wow, what disrespect. What condescension. That’s Alec Baldwin FFS! The most talented of the Baldwin brothers. If that’s how Hilaria Baldwin talks to him on camera, just imagine how she talks to him when no one is around. Even Jada Pinkett Smith is watching this clip and feeling sorry for the guy, and she’s been cuckolding Will Smith for years.

I guess it just goes to show that even multimillionaire TV stars aren’t immune from being nagged and emasculated by their wives. The face says it all really…

Hang in there, Alec. Shocking that you can kill an innocent person and still somehow end up being the more likable one.

To watch Alec Baldwin threaten to ‘snap the neck’ of a Trump impersonator who was trolling him over the Rust shooting, click HERE.



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